Cloud Speller for Bahasa Melayu

Check Malay spelling for your web application

Help your users write better

We have made our acclaimed proofing tools for Bahasa Melayu available for developers.. Now, you can access our speller API to detect spelling errors , as well as to suggest corrections for misspelled words. Furthermore, you can also look up dictionary definitions of any Malay word.

Example Use Cases

  • For academic services. Let students spell check their homework without leaving your website.
  • For editorial in publishing. Integrates a Malay speller into your existing publishing tools for to improve quality of writing.
  • For internal forms and reporting. Help employees write clean and correct documents.

API Options


Check spellling in Malay

  • Malay speller that flags misspelled word
  • Suggest correction for misspelled word


Look up definition of words

  • Malay dictionary
  • English – Malay dictionary
  • Peribahasa
  • Simpulan bahasa