Re-register Dewan Eja Pro license after formatting computer or changing to a new one

We need to reactivate your serial number before you can re-register your Dewan Eja Pro 10 license. Email to with email title as below, and provide your Dewan Eja Pro 10 serial number in the email. Re-register Dewan Eja Pro License – Computer Formatted, or Re-register Dewan Eja Pro License – Change New Computer…

How to activate Dewan Eja Spell Checker and Hyphenation in Adobe InDesign & InCopy

How to activate Spell Checker in Adobe InDesign To activate the spell checker in InDesign/InCopy, first you need to activate dynamic spelling and the auto correct option. To set dynamic spelling, go to Edit > Spelling and check Dynamic Spelling & Auto Correct. Then, after selecting Type Tool, change the language to Malay before you start…

How to reactivate Dewan Eja spelling and grammar checker in MS Word

Dewan Eja spelling and grammar checker will be automatically activated after successful installation. However, these settings might be changed after Windows or MS Office updates. Sometimes, Dewan Eja spelling and grammar checker might not be functioning in a pre-existing document because of such changes in settings. SCENARIO 1 Dewan Eja is not working in Malay…

Menggunakan Penyemak Tatabahasa Melayu

Sama seperti penyemak ejaan, penyemak tatabahasa berintegrasi dengan MS Word dan mengawasi penulisan anda. Bagaimanapun, ia mengawasi keseluruhan ayat dan bukan setiap perkataan. Ia akan menyemak sekiranya ayat anda mematuhi peraturan tatabahasa bahasa Melayu. Sekiranya ayat anda tidak mematuhi peraturan tersebut, penyemak tatabahasa akan mencadangkan kebarangkalian kesilapan. Memandangkan bahasa mempunyai konteks yang berbeza-beza dan pelbagai,…